Introduction to "The Lean Startup"

The lean start-up is one of the most influential business books in recent history.

The lean start-up is one of the most influential business books in recent history. The underlined concepts in the book are based on Steve Blank's course at Stanford on customer discovery and the Toyota lean manufacturing model. Check out this great video to get an overview of the book. We highly recommend reading the book yourself or listening to it on audible.

Key takeaways

Introduction to "The Lean Startup"

The lean start-up is one of the most influential business books in recent history.

The lean start-up is one of the most influential business books in recent history. The underlined concepts in the book are based on Steve Blank's course at Stanford on customer discovery and the Toyota lean manufacturing model. Check out this great video to get an overview of the book. We highly recommend reading the book yourself or listening to it on audible.